- Airservices Australia provide aviation rescue fire fighting (ARFF) services at 26 of Australia’s busiest airports.
- Responding to approximately 6700 aircraft and airport emergency assistance requests nationally in 2014, our primary function is to rescue people and property from an aircraft crash or fire and from other fires on the airport.
- Our ARFF service is one of the world’s largest with more than 900 operational and support personnel based around Australia.
- We provide services ranging from International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Category 6 to 10 service, consistent with ICAO Annex 14 Recommended Standards and Practice.
- Each of our highly trained and experienced fire fighting and technical employees are experts in their field with unique skills and knowledge. We recruit and train fire fighters to ICAO standards.
- We must be able to respond to an aircraft incident at either end of a runway within three minutes from the initial call, and be able to apply fire fighting agent at 50 per cent of the maximum discharge rate. Additionally, we must be able to respond to any part of the airport movement area within three minutes.
- We own, operate and maintain a fleet of over 100 specialised, highperformance aviation fire fighting vehicles, aerial rescue vehicles, water rescue boats, difficult terrain vehicles and domestic response vehicles. This allows us to respond to a broad range of aviation and airport emergencies, including aircraft incidents, structural fires, medical assistance requests, water rescues and fire alarms.
- Fire stations at our busiest airports provide a 24-hour service. Hours of operation at smaller airports are determined by commercial passenger aircraft flight schedules. Our largest ARFF stations are located at Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth airports. The scheduling and frequency of airline operations determines the hours of operation of each ARFF location.